Will You Hire

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Calculate the cost of a freelance designer

How many designs do you need?

How many hours does your freelancer take to create one design?

How many hours do you spend in project management (e.g. briefing and revisions)?

A freelance designer will cost you

Based on the average hourly rate of a freelance graphic designer (Upwork). Does not include taxes or pricing of design tools that may also be billed.

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Calculate the cost of a in-house designer

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A in-house designer will cost you

Based on the average full time salary of a graphic designer (Glassdoor). Does not include taxes, pricing of design tools or other employee costs.

Save thousands with Artistic Burst

Artistic Burst is the leading graphic design solution for businesses that are looking for a high-quality, consistent graphic design experience that doesn’t break the bank.

Amazing features. One flat rate.

Unlimited Users

There are no limits on how many users of your team can use the Artistic Burst platform to submit design requests regardless of your plan.

Insanely Affordable

For less than $1000 a month, we'll match you with a professional designer who knows you by name and understands your brand's creative needs.

Fast Turnarounds

You want your designs created in days, not weeks. With Artistic Burst, the turnaround time for most requests is just one or two business days for Scale Plans and same-day turnaround for Pro.

Easy Communication

The intuitive Artistic Burst platform offers a streamlined way to request new designs and communicate revisions for your designer.

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